
CRE PK-8th Grade

Continuing Religious Education (CRE)

Continuing Religious Education (CRE)

Welcome Home!

CRE Mission:  We echo the Gospel and mercy of Jesus Christ to help our students grow in their relationship with God.   Catechesis centers on sharing the Good News of Jesus, presenting Christian values and principles, building community, and leading people into service and prayer.  We welcome all students to our Continuing Religious Education classes to accompany them on our journey of faith in Jesus!

Special Announcements:
Mar 30/31/Apr 01 CRE Classes week #22
Rice Bowls due by April 15 to CRE Office
Parent Update April

2025-2026 CRE Registration link
2025-2026 Extra Medical Form link
2025-2026 Payment Link

Important CRE Dates
Mar 30/31/Apr 01 CRE Classes week #22
April 03 First Reconciliation, 6:00pm
Apr 06/07/08 CRE Classes week #23
April 07 VBS Registration opens
Apr 13/14/15 CRE Classes week #24 (Last class)
April 19 Easter Vigil Mass 6:30pm
Apr 20/21/22 NO CRE Classes - Easter
April 22 CRE Family Night 6:30pm
Divine Mercy Novena in church
MCREST Service Project after prayers
April 26 PreSchool Easter Egg Hunt 10:00am
April 27 Older First Communion 10:00am Mass
April 30 2nd grade Rehearsals 5:30pm, 7:00pm
May 03 2nd grade First Communion 10:00am, 12:00pm
May 04 May Crowning 10:00am Mass
June 19 VBS Catechist Meeting 6:30pm

Looking for a children’s Missal?
Here are some suggestions

Level 1 Atrium for Ages 3 to 6 and Special Needs
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is religious education with a Montessori approach to nurture a relationship with Jesus and love for His Church. Children experience the Gospel through sensory rich materials related to Scripture and Liturgy. Classes meet in our Atrium, a sacred space designed for prayer and listening to God’s Word.

CGS Classes follow the CRE calendar
  September thru April. 
Class times/sessions are
  Sundays 10:00, Mondays 6:30 (full), or Tuesdays, 6:30.
 Registration required.

Sacrament Preparation
for Children:

First Reconciliation

Preparation for First Reconciliation occurs during second grade for students who have been baptized in the Catholic Church and have completed the first year of Religious Education. A Mini-Retreat (for candidates and their parents) will be held in October to begin preparation for the sacrament.
Mini-Retreat for Child & Parent: October 5, 2024
First Reconciliation: April 3, 2025 6:00pm

First Eucharist

Preparation for First Eucharist also occurs during second grade for students who have been baptized in the Catholic Church and have completed the first year of Religious Education. A Mini-Retreat (for candidates and their parents) begins the lessons for the second semester.  The solemn masses for First Eucharist will be celebrated in late April or early May, usually on a Saturday morning. Specific information will be provided at the Mini-Retreat.

Enrollment Prayer: 
Sunday, October 27, 2024  12:00Noon Mass
candidates wear ribbon/button to Sunday Masses please pray for them

Mini-Retreat for Child & Parent:
January 11, 2025
Banner Instructions with pattern samples here

Rehearsal: April 30, 2025    5:30pm & 7:00pm

First Eucharist Masses:
May 3, 2025 10:00am & 12:00 Noon

Older First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Additional classes are offered for older students (grade 3 and above) who are baptized in the Catholic Church and have completed one year of formal religious education. Parents and Godparents are welcome and encouraged to attend with their child. Please contact the CRE office for more information.


Confirmation - 8th Grade:
Preparation for Confirmation includes 7th & 8th grade religious education for students who have been baptized in the Catholic Church at a younger age. Opportunities for service (as an individual, with class, and with Sponsor) are provided.

Confirmation Dedication:
(both 7th & 8th graders attend Dedication)
October 13, 2024 at 12:00Noon Mass

8th grade candidates sign
Commitment Form in class

Retreat/Rehearsal Candidates & Sponsors: 
(for 8th graders 2024-2025)
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:00am-1:00pm

Confirmation Mass for 8th Grade Candidates
Thursday, February 6, 2025 7:00pm
(sponsors, families, and guests attend mass)

Confirmation for Adults - Summer 2025
Baptized Catholic adults seeking Confirmation are invited to a summer class (comprised of 6 sessions). Dates TBA.
Sponsors are encouraged to attend with their candidates. 
To register, please contact our Director, Lisa Rajnicek CRE@stlawrenceparish.com

Vacation Bible School 2025
Save the date for July 14-18, 2025.
Camper/Helper Registration
opens April 7
and closes June 13
for grades PK4 thru 12.
Adult Volunteers sign up here now
Guide kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, Totally Catholic True North VBS shows them that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!

Youth Ministry
Youth Groups, Mission Trips, and Service Opportunities are offered throughout the year for our young adults, junior high students, and senior high school students to live and grow as joyful disciples.

Adult Faith Formation
Explore opportunities to continue growing in faith and understanding of Jesus, Sacred Scripture, and the teachings of the Church.

Archdiocese of Detroit Religion Curriculum
Explore our goals and resources for Discipleship Formation in our Parishes and Schools.

For those seeking to join the Catholic Church

OCIA (RCIA) for Adults 
Order (Rite) of Christian Initiation:
We welcome all adults seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Holy Church in the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.  Our time together in prayer, at Mass, and in classes will be a gradual process of reflection and discovery of the Paschal Mystery.  The Parish family of St. Lawrence supports all candidates with prayer, fellowship and service.

Summer Inquiry Sessions - twice a month
dates TBD for summer 2025

Classes facilitated by Fr. Alex and Mrs. Lisa Rajnicek.  Please contact Lisa Rajnicek, our Director, to begin!  CRE@stlawrenceparish.com 

OCIA (RCIA) for Children 
Order (Rite) of Christian Initiation:
Students in third grade or older who are interested in preparing for Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Eucharist are invited to attend RCIA classes for Children. Parents and Sponsors also attend
the classes and Masses together to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation, usually celebrated during the Easter Vigil.

Weekly classes held September-April.
Please contact Lisa Rajnicek, our Director, to begin! 

Special Needs Religious Education All Belong!
Children of all abilities are welcome! Feel free to contact our Director, Lisa Rajnicek, to share your child’s abilities so we can best meet your needs. We are blessed with caring, experienced catechists who can provide small group or individual instruction.

We need more catechists for our Special Needs learners. Do you have a few hours a week to learn more about this rewarding ministry?

Start your journey with a short online course from the Archdiocese of Detroit - All Belong: Inclusion in Ministry. This video course aims to inspire the church community across the AOD to embrace and empower persons with disabilities to realize their full potential to know, love and serve the Lord, as well as achieve full membership and belonging in our faith community.

Safe Environment Requirements   
All parish & school adult volunteers must complete the safe environment training session, Protecting God’s Children. High School age volunteers must complete a session called Healthy Relationships for Teens.
For first time volunteers, go to Virtus.org to register for a training session. You will receive a certificate a few days after completion, which you must provide to your local supervisor.
Volunteers who took the Protecting God’s Children class prior to January, 2020 must complete the recertification module online with your Virtus account.
Contact your local Virtus admin, Lisa Rajnicek in the CRE Office, for assistance to access your Virtus account if you are not able to log in. Do not create a duplicate account. Anyone who completed the initial Protecting God’s Children training has a Virtus account, whether or not you have been using it.

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Prayers for peace and health to all our families,
Lisa Rajnicek, M.Ed., MAPS
Director of Discipleship Formation - North Macomb #1 Family of Parishes
Director of Continuing Religious Education - St. Lawrence Parish
44633 Utica Road, Utica MI 48317
(586) 731-5072 ext. 245

S eek Jesus’ Mercy
T rust Jesus’ Mercy
L ive Jesus Mercy       

C hildren and Families who
R ely on the mercy of Jesus and
E cho the Good News!